dimanche 9 janvier 2011

If you do not take care of the LOPPSI 2, she will take care of you!

LOPPSI 2: they settle our liberties!

The project of " law of orientation and programming for the performance of the internal security " (said " LOPPSI 2 ") joins in a context of disparities and major social regressions. Legislative, security and illegible lumber room, this text announces a new model of society. Poor, casualized and young populations, militant or Internet are specially aimed, but all the population is concerned because this project marks a general recession of the personal freedoms.
 Repression of the targeted populations: eviction in 48 hours and without control of the judge of every occupants of exceptional housing environments (tent, yut, caravan, yurt, mobile home, house auto built, shanty town, bus or fitted out truck) on public or private ground, and destruction of their housing environment; increased Control over the social-security benefits and the obligation for the social workers to make of the informing; street hawking and sale of metals are penalized; And sale of metals are penalized; immediate eviction of the public transportation …
In front of social difficulties of an increasing number of families, a "curfew" for the 13-year-old minors(miners), an extension of the " contract of parental responsibility ", an intensification of the administrative control of the juvenile delinquents and a procedure of immediate appearance in front of the juvenile court are planned …

Recording information and video surveillance generalized: the current files of police and gendarmerie, stuffed with errors, unverifiable and, actually, uncontrolled are seen out, spread(renewed, spread) and interconnected. The acquitted persons will remain done.
The LOPPSI 2 systematizes the espionage of the public place: all the private enterprises can install cameras around their establishments and the prefects along the demonstrations; the police can have live access to the images got by cameras in hall and left municipalities of buildings; the images of video surveillance Public can be exploited by private enterprises approved by the Prefect; in certain cases, software of facial recognition automatic will be used to identify the subjects...
 Hardening of the criminal law: seizure automatic of the vehicle; punishments - floors from six months to two years of detention from the 1st malpractice in case of violence; electronic bracelet on administrative decision for the illegal immigrants; penalization of the noises during the meeting of the elective authorities; new periods of safety of 30 years; measures to increase the number of " double punishments

 Greater police powers: filtering and censorship of web sites; intensification of the powers of the local police; institution of a vague " National Council of the activities deprived of safety(security) " which confirms and announces the increasing privatization of the safety(security); creation of a militia " civil reserve ", of 200 000 gendarmes and Retired policemen, and student, paid...

 The LOPPSI 2 is the 11th exclusively repressive law since 2002. She leans on the feeling of social insecurity which extends in every questioning of the securities for all.
This law prepares us a company(society) of the control, based on the tension and the stigmatization. She concertizes the fantasy of the internal enemy and assimilates any act of contesting to an infringement of the State. She weakens the prevention and the judicial guarantees. Examined to the Senate in mid-January, she could return in application in spring, 2011.
 This law threatens our liberties and aggravate the social injustice, she must be removed or repealed!
Let us mobilize we everywhere:
If you do not take care of the LOPPSI 2, she will take care of you!
1st Signatories: DAL, Intersquat Paris, black Thursday, Free Access, Labor union(Syndicate) of the Judiciary, SNES-PJJ, SNUClias / FSU, SNEPAP FSU, United Labor-union Union, USP … As well as: left of

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